Tuesday, April 26, 2011

corn baby

Nicely, Nicely, Nicely,
away in the east, the rain clouds care for the little corn plants as a mother cares for her baby.
Suni Corn Ceremony from Dancing Teepees  selected by Virginia Driving Hawk Sneve

I planted my Garden not long ago and I already have some zucchini coming up.  It is so exciting to see the magic everyday of nature just doing her thing.  How precious it is to be nourished from these plants with whom I feel such connection.  THe farmer's market opens this weekend and it is equally thrilling to buy local produce and support our commmunity.  It is also "the" summer event every weekend!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Earth Day In Carrollton

Isn't this the cutest biker dude you ever saw?! 
4 months old almost.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Ayumi Horie Pots in Action


Click on this link to see some adoreable pots being used by people everywhere.  It is good to see other people so attached to their pottery.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Jill Bolte Taylor-Stroke of Insight

Jill Bolte Taylor
Stroke of insight video.

You probably have seen this, but if not, It is about 20 minutes and inspirational to me.    

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Tuina Chinese Massage

The above link gives you some basic information about this method of healing.  This is a new to my "Be good to Your Body and it will Be Good to You" Plan.  I went for my first treatment of Tuina with Ginna Blair of Healing Hands  when I was hurting so much and desparate for relief.  I really only knew that it was based on Chinese medicine and no needles involved.  Ok. let's give it a try, I thought.  It was 75 minutes of bliss.  I could feel the pain evaporating, much like the hot rocks therapy...just absorbing the pain in my extremities and I can relax in my body again.  Midway through the session I had tears of relief.  Pain steals so much of your energy, you don't even realize until you get relief.  That day I didn't even take a nap!  Of course I was crying and went to bed at 6pm, but no nap!?  that is impressive!

Chemo Brain Relief

So...I haven't had Chemo, thank goodness, but in my quest to improve my brain functioning after Cushing's and radiation effects..the information on Chemo brain seems to be helpful.  I apologize for the lack of reference here.
1)  Exercise 20-30 minutes 4 times a week ( heart rate 220-age x 0.85) ASK YOUR Doctor first
2) Nature escape twice a week
4)Omega 3's + wild salmon, flaxseed canola, walnuts
5)Vit B12 (if low can help revesible dementia)
6) Other tips
+stay present
+prioritize- don't try to multitask, too frustrating
+Develop routine- plan the next day the night before and write it down
+Use sensory cues,  scents and tastes to help store memory
+use ONE notebook 
+everything in it's place
+go over planner each morning
+check email once a day and limit to 30 minutes
+work your mind daily

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Kale Kids will Eat!

Kale chips

It's easy but make sure they are crispy and salty for maximum taste!
tear kale in small pieces
lightly coat with olive oil and a little salt
place on sheet pan  and into oven at 400 degrees for like 5 minutes
(watch them closely--crispy not burnt)

Monday, April 11, 2011

excerpt from Notes on the Need for Beauty by J Ruth Gendler

I love the old stories in which the beloved is partly of the human world, partly of the animal kingdom, and things are not quite what they seem.  In love the god becomes human, the wild one tamed, the fierce one is the most gentle, the ugly one carries true beauty.  The woman is tested by the Goddess.  Or she marries a bear.  Or he marries a seal.  Travel beyond all the disguises and masks to risk the nobility of true beauty.  Sometimes the journey is inward within the soul, and sometimes the journey is played out in the world with great flourish and drama.  And the story may be happy or sad--there is a sadness in deep love, a sadness at the center of joy because love, like birth and death, breaks open the heart, breaks open the dream of beauty, bigger ,and wilder and more precious than we knew.  These love stories are not about "love at first sight" or "happily ever after."  They are layered tales of grief and patience, courage, strength, and transformation. 

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Just a number on paper

It was good to be with you all at the pituitary conference today.  Thank you to all our Doctors who regularly give of their time and efforts to improve the lives of many.  I appreciate their expertise as well as their giving hearts.  It is so wonderful to have this team of Doctors all working together to provide comprehensive care for us pituitary tumor folks.  I have had a nice long nap and now I want to share a poem with you that I wrote when remission was finally verified via labs in 2008.
Just a Number on Paper
I can walk to the mailbox now
even several times a day
to check and see if my results are here.

I called...  I waited a week...
I called again...  They mailed the results again.
It should have been here yesterday.

I see the postman put the letters in the box.
I can see a sales flyer and a Netflix movie from here.  I begin my 10 yard journey to the mailbox.
I leave the dogs in, in case, it's bad news, I don't want  to worry about the dogs.
There it is in the mailbox, the envelope from the doctor.  I open the movie first to see what my daughter has chosen for us to watch and to stall a little more.
I sit down in the yard and I open one of two identical envelopes from the Doctor (I made them send it twice and they both arrived today)

It says, "Your labs are normal."

I check the name again.
I check the date of birth...yep, All me.
I review the results myself.
Yes, all within normal and well within normal.
no borderline normal, no "normal for you in this disease state."
__Just Normal__
I am sitting in the yard, cars passing by,
I'm sobbing, so grateful for these little numbers on paper
these little numbers say to me, "It's over! and You are Well!!  Get on with your life.  This part of the journey is complete!!!
sweet Remission is mine today.