It was good to be with you all at the pituitary conference today. Thank you to all our Doctors who regularly give of their time and efforts to improve the lives of many. I appreciate their expertise as well as their giving hearts. It is so wonderful to have this team of Doctors all working together to provide comprehensive care for us pituitary tumor folks. I have had a nice long nap and now I want to share a poem with you that I wrote when remission was finally verified via labs in 2008.
Just a Number on Paper
I can walk to the mailbox now
even several times a day
to check and see if my results are here.
I called... I waited a week...
I called again... They mailed the results again.
It should have been here yesterday.
I see the postman put the letters in the box.
I can see a sales flyer and a Netflix movie from here. I begin my 10 yard journey to the mailbox.
I leave the dogs in, in case, it's bad news, I don't want to worry about the dogs.
There it is in the mailbox, the envelope from the doctor. I open the movie first to see what my daughter has chosen for us to watch and to stall a little more.
I sit down in the yard and I open one of two identical envelopes from the Doctor (I made them send it twice and they both arrived today)
It says, "Your labs are normal."
I check the name again.
I check the date of birth...yep, All me.
I review the results myself.
Yes, all within normal and well within normal.
no borderline normal, no "normal for you in this disease state."
__Just Normal__
I am sitting in the yard, cars passing by,
I'm sobbing, so grateful for these little numbers on paper
these little numbers say to me, "It's over! and You are Well!! Get on with your life. This part of the journey is complete!!!
sweet Remission is mine today.