Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I miss being smart.

What do I miss most about my BBT self?
            Why do I want to write this story down?  I mean really who is going to read this?  My friends don't want to read it...they already lived it with me.  Same is true for my family...why read about your own stuff?  why write about your own stuff?  I love to read.  I always have loved to read...except when I couldn't think good enough to read and even then I had books piled up on my bed with all the pretty pictures.  I still needed the security of books.  they made me feel me.  Before the Brain tumor (hereafter referred to as BBT... no connection to the bank)  I read all the time.  I read medical journals and even had little notebooks where I would take notes and actually change my practice based on those articles...this was before the evidence based practice craze...and then when those books came out I read them front to fascinating...about everything..not just childbirth but what is the best way to care for someone with an appendicitis...based on evidence not just how we have always done it...I could remember little facts easily and would quote studies to my patients and I felt so smart.   I was smart.  I always did well in school, you know that kid who worries about every test and argues with the teacher about the one question she got wrong...yeah, that was me.  Gave a speech at high school graduation,  graduated towards the top of my class both undergrad and graduate school.  I miss that girl.  I actually liked her.
            Don't hate me though, because now I have real trouble with the self check out.  now the little girl  at the Wiggly Waggly Grocery when she sees me coming...just waltzes over to the "regular" checkout line...she doesn't want me to check myself is too much trouble for her.  I try to smile and be nice...she still doesn't look at me...but she knows me...obviously.  I haven't cried at the grocery in months but she still holds it against me.  I'm friends with the guy who bags my groceries...he knows I can't help it and is kind about it all.   He doesn't try to talk to me if I'm doing something else but just waits until I can focus on what he is saying.  I really appreciate this sensitivity, this connection we share over something as basic as obtaining food.   Most people are patient with me, especially when they understand the reason.  Sometimes I pull the "brain tumor card" if someone is hateful, I'll explain and then they feel bad...and I feel bad too because I really didn't want their sympathy just wanted them to hurt a little for being rude!
 Recently, at the brain surgeon's office (of all the places) I had an embarrassing encounter with the scheduling lady, Nancy.  She is very nice and can do about 15 things at once.  The doctor had given me two pieces of paper to take to Nancy, who I've seen a zillion times and I wrote it down...2 pieces of I would leave with both of my papers.  She said I was all set and handed me one piece of paper.  This upset me because I came in with 2 pieces of paper.  She said ,"No!  You only need this one for the don't need 2."  OH No here comes my inner 4 year old, I started to cry because I know I came in with 2papers and I really needed them both.  I can see this is irrational but I get so upset when I can't do something that everyone else can do, like make appointments or buy groceries.  Nancy,  was talking on the phone and working on the computer and talking to me about the traffic...surely she just forgot to give me all of my papers, and I couldn't bear to leave without doing it right again.  Then suddenly, she got it....!!!  I could see the look in her eyes...."Oh this is one of those stupid folks who had their brains operated on"...and she started talking loud and saying "Now, Ms Jamie you know Ms Nancy going to take care of you...this is all you need right you take this to the lab when it says...that other paper was just for me...don't you worry."  It's not like I don't  know I'm stupid and I need folks to help me sometimes but that felt terrible.  I thought to myself, "I'm stupid and everybody knows and maybe I'm going to go deaf too because everybody talks so loud to me when they realize I'm dumb."  I look regular so It makes it harder for people to know, that I might need help.   I decided that day that I want to get a t shirt made..kind of like those little signs in your car mirror that says, " Warning objects may be closer than they appear."
  I want a T shirt that says, " Warning: person may be dumber than She appears"   I think it would help..or maybe just a shirt that says, " JuST AIN"T QUITE RIGHT"  be patient and then it could list the dates of my surgeries and radiation as a way of explaining. ( please laugh because this was funny)
"Life has meaning only in the struggles. Triumph or defeat is in the hands of the Gods.  So let us celebrate the struggles."  from a Swahili warrior song
This is why I write the story to celebrate the struggle, to celebrate life every single minute.  I hope you will do the same.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Alkalizing Juice Recipies

Green Juice
1 cup spinach, 2 cups kale, 2 parsley, 1 cucumber, 3 celery, some ginger and some garlic

put it all in the blender, it is much better than it sounds.

Parsley pep up
1 cup parsley
1/2 granny smith apple
2 carrots
3 celery

blender magic makes healthy drinks

Alkaline Juicer
1 cup spinach, 1/2 cucumber, 2 stalks celery with leaves, 3 carrots, 1/2 granny smith apple

Monday, March 14, 2011

poem by Wendell Berry

Whatever happens,
those who have learned
to love one another
have made their way
to the lasting world
and will not leave
whatever happens.

Wendell Berry

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Plan for Regaining Health


Patience gives the power to practice:  Practice gives the power that leads to perfection.  (Yogi tea wisdom for today)
Perfection is not required here.  Only Patience and Practice.  Perfection, to me is NOT doing a asana perfectly or being the size I was in high school, or even staying awake all day.  Perfection to me is ... showing up on the mat, eating what is good for me, and living today the very best way I can.  Let's get started!

In this little blog, it is my objective to show you some easy steps to get you started feeling better soon.  I had Cushing's disease but I think much of what I learned can help folks with all kinds of issues or no issues at all.  I was sick for a long time and over time I developed a "system" to keep me on track to feeling better. This is not difficult I promise (I had a tumor in my how hard can it be?). 

Recently, I went to see "my" Neurosurgeon, Dr Oyesiku.  He was so proud of how far I had come...that he gave me that BIG beautiful smile of his and a high five.  This made me proud too, like I just won the Olympics or something.  As usual, there was a small herd of young Doctors following Dr O around that day and I thought, I wanted them to learn how to be so successful in beating this recurring Cushing's beast.  It is true that the Doctors here at Emory University with the Pituitary Center have the best tools and therapies to make you better.  You are in the right place for your medical care, for sure.  But, my friend, the everyday of this living with Cushing's or it's aftermath is only up to you.  This is my plan to regaining health.  May it help you on your way.


This is my daily sheet that tells me everything.  If you are high tech maybe you can make a phone app.  I just use a notebook with paper and write it out each morning.

Wednesday, March 3

  • water * * * * * * * * *  (8 boxes to check off)
  • Keifer ^
  • cultured veggies # #
  • walk/yoga
  • nap1 (I schedule these and write how long this way I can plan to meet folks or kid things around my naps.  If I'm too tired I can't drive.  If i'm too tired I just start to cry and this freaks out the grocery clerk)
  • nap2
Stuff I gotta Do today:
Charlie to vet ---take meds bottle

pick up child at 4pm

vacuum living room ( i make small achievable goals...if I write vacuum house...I can't do that and I just vacuum one room and then another later.  I have a really small house now and that helps.  I used to have 3 floors but I didn't go on the other floors for a couple of years because I couldn't do the stairs)

scrambled egg with advacado

salad with cultured veggies, nuts, beets, drew's lime dressing

fabulous smoothie in my Vitamix that I adore 
+ my 16 year old daughter intorduces the Vitamix to her friends like it is a family memeber..."and this is my Mom's Vitamix that she is in love with"

Grilled Chicken and summer squash with a small side of brown rice and 1/2 cup of cultured veggies

Green tea
2 spoons of peanut butter (this is probably bad for me but I adore peanut butter and i'm sure it is better than eating a certain chocolate covered peanut butter)

MEDICATIONS--did you take them Jamie?  then check here +

I write all this down, so I can see how I am doing and it really helps to remind me and make me accountable.  I want to check everything off my list.
so that is it The Plan 
  It is EASY!  "It is not brain surgery here we are talking about!"  (ha! I made a joke)  This is just a list to make sure you are caring well for yourself.  Lists are good...even Santa has one.

Now, you can get more detailed information about implementing the plan by clicking "the plan" under important pages.